Dear Papa

Dear Papa

Being the wise father of the series's main character, naturally Inu-papa is well-versed in all things Yasha. And being dead, he's got a whole lotta time on his hands, so probably wouldn't mind answering any questions sent his way. So whether you want to know something series-related, character-related, or whatever you wish, Inu-papa will do his best to impart his knowledge from the great beyond.

Responses will generally be posted every couple of days, unless someone's trying to dig up Papa's grave, summon him to the world of the living, or any other such distraction occurs that would prevent him from replying in a timely manner. Remember that these messages and their responses will be posted publicly below, so mind your manners. Be forewarned that Papa reserves the right to pick and choose which questions he will reply to.

Papa will only answer the same question once, so please check the archives before messaging him.

Also, see what Papa's up to at the moment by checking out his webcam.

Send a Letter


Papa's Responses

Dear Inu-Papa,

Ok, I have long black hair,I take archery, and my boyfriend once betrayed me. Then my friend saw the show InuYasha and when she saw Kikyou she was all like "Holy Crap, that looks like Sorano." Then she introduced me to the show and I was scared s***less. Could you tell me if you think this was a coicidence or not?


Dear Sorano,
It's a coincidence.

Dear Papa, I was wondering if you knew of any place where I could Download The ep.s in japanese starting from 1 until whenever. The only way I can watch it is off of Cartoon Network, and I havn't been able to lately. Thanks for all your help!

Dear Muffin-Chan,
I don't think there is anyplace to download them anymore, since they're so old. The only place that would have them would be P2P filesharing programs. Or you could just go out and rent or buy the DVDs or something.

Dear Papa,
Well I was wondering Do you listin to psycho le cemu And if so who's your fav. mine daishi
P.S. can I have a hug =^.^=
Crazy daishi fangirl

Dear Crazy,
Nope, can't say I do. Most of the songs on my playlist are older than you are.

Dear Papa,
will sesshomaru get a girlfriend? or is he too egotistical
pure evil

Dear pure evil,
At the moment, I'd say it's unlikely, since he has no interest in actively looking out for anyone other than himself.

Dear Papa,

How is it that you have such excellent fashion sense, but only one of your sons receieved that good sense from you? I mean what is Inuyasha thinking hiding himself in those baggy clothes? Couldn't he have done something a little better?

Sure he was on his own, but you figure now that he isn't, he'd be a little better at it...

P.S. I love your hair by the way. ^^
Someone who is lost

Dear lost,
Even though he does have people with him, where exactly is he going to get another set of clothes? And even though the ones he has may not look all that hot, they extremely practical, considering they can serve as armor as well. Form follows function. It's just that Sesshoumaru and I knew how to function in style.

Dear Papa,do you look at the fanart people do of your sons ? Also I love your webcam.

Dear K.C.,
I do, sometimes, as long as it's not of them... together... doing things... *shudders*

Dear Papa,
Why are Sesshoumaru's Kaze no Kizus so much cooler than Inuyasha's? Inuyasha carves grooves in the ground.... Sesshoumaru bulldozes a blazing trail!
Sankon gonsou XD

Dear Sankon gonsou,
Because it's not the size of the explosion, it's how you use it!

Dear Papa, I was wondering, (since my Japanese is on a second year level >.<) isn't the last Kanji in your son's name a female thing...? ^^() I just heard things and yeah...Thought I should ask. By the way, here's a present. *hands him a Sesshoumaru and InuYasha action figure thing* You can push the button and watch them fight. Since....that's about all they do when they're together. Anyway thanks for your time. ^^

Dear Stine,
... No, not really. The last kanji in Sesshoumaru's name indicates a male name, and the last kanji in Inuyasha's name means "fork".

Dear Papa,why do you and Sesshoumaru have that fuffly thing ??
cold ohio

Dear cold ohio,
It's just a habit I picked up from my dad, and I have no idea where he got it from. He wore the pelt of his father and said that you should keep a memento of someone you don't want to forget. Then both my parents died, so I took a bit of both their pelts and made my two-tailed fluff. Sesshoumaru's pelt comes from his mother, who died in childbirth.

Dear Papa,
Help! OMG HELP! There's a guy stalking me saying that I have a destiny to full fill! That I have to REMEMBER somthing! In order to realize my destiny! Im freaking out! I think he's a stalker! He like knows everthing about me! and he says I met him once in my dreams!?

HELP! ;.;

Well, if it's your destiny to remember something, just write it on your hand or something. Destiny fulfilled!

Dear Papa,
Hey, Papa, 'tis me again. Okay, the only reason I'm asking this is because I know I can get away with it. I mean, you've answered a whole lot worse.

Alright, here it is:

Do you pee like a normal male dog? Like, with one leg in the air and all?


Dear Wheeness!,
Depends on what form I'm in. If I'm in my dog form, then of course I do it like a dog. But in human form, it's much easier to just pull down the waistband of my pants a little and let it hang out.

Dear Inu no Taisho,

I was wondering something recently, and I didn't know who to ask.

What the heck does PWN mean? I've seen it a few places, but I can't figure it out....
the confused one

Dear confused,
PWNED!!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! It's just a netspeak joke. The original word was "owned", as in defeating or dominating someone. However, since "P" and "O" are right next to each other on the keyboard, it would often get misspelled as "pwned", and the term just stuck.

Dear Papa,

Is it true that you kissed your son Sesshomaru? All my frineds say so. I am so confused!!
I have another question, of yourteo wives wich ne do you think you liked the best?

Dear Doggiegal,
Yup, gave him a smack right on the lips. Boy, was he surprised. Shut him up for quite a while, too. I don't think he was too traumatized, though.
As for your other question, I get that asked a lot, and I ignore it every single time.

Dear Papa,

Question. Do you know any angels? Do you know Jesus? Is God real? Why do you and Sesshoumaru have those marks on your face?

The bull-dog puppy asked his mother, "Mommy? Why are we so ugly?" Then the bitch said, "We are lucky. You should see the demon reading this message."

BWAHAHAHA! .....What? I thought it was cute.

Dear Elizabeth,
Do I know any wha...? Sorry, hon, I'm Shinto. I'm not really familiar with what you're talking about.
And I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I think bulldogs are cute.

Dear Papa,
When Sesshoumaru was a child, did he ever tug/chew/rip up anything non-edible? And did he every try to play tug of war with your

Dear Orivaria,
Tug of war with my... what? My obi? My sleeve? My fluff? The answer is "yes" to all three.

Dear Papa,
why did a person take my username to ask you the "people say you suck" question, which wasn't really a question at all! and you obviously don't suck!
the true me

Dear the true you,
... Who are you, anyway?

Dear Papa,
do you spend most of your time with inuyasha or sesshoumaru?did inuyasha ever have a tantrum when he was small?was sesshoumaru spoiled?did you ever defend inuyasha when he got bullied around?who was your first wife?how did your second wife die?did she get murdered or old age?
ok bye u like dggie treats?

Dear inu-kykyo,
I guess I spent more time with Sesshoumaru, since I was around him longer. I was only alive for a year with Inuyasha before I died. Therefore, I can't say Inuyasha ever threw "tantrums", but just did the usual baby crying. And, yes, Sesshoumaru was a bit spoiled, considering I was a tad overprotective of him. Izayoi died of disease, but she wasn't horribly old for a human when it happened. Maybe in her mid-twenties.

Dear Papa,What is your last name anyway?

Dear Alex,
I don't have one. No one in the series but Kagome does. Last names didn't become common until after the Sengoku era. In those times, "Inu no Taishou" was enough.

Dear Papa,

Dear cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese,
*snaps a picture*

Dear Papa,
If Urasue brought you back from the dead, and then you killed her, and some of your demon enemies from china started fighting with you and they lost, but then a little fluffy shoe kidnapped you and started to bring you to antarctica, so he could play with your fluffy in private, but you killed him in the middle of the tropical oceans and then you fell into the ocean and you met a sponge called spongebob squarepants, and he trapped you in a chocolate bubble, what would you do?
loser with a computer

Dear loser,
... This wouldn't get my fluff dirty, would it?

Dear Papa,
Okay, I just want your permision on this. At school, when me and my buddies go on our InuYasha-ism, and I say "Inu-Papa" my friends all go "WHO? Whats an InuPapa?" and then I have to explain it to them and they all go "Oh, you mean InuTaisho" then I go "NO INUPAPA!!!!!!" So, would it be all right if I just called you InuTaisho (even though that isnt right... :( ......)

Dear JewishGirl16,
Er, no, "InuTaisho" ISN'T right because it's not even a word. If you're going to call me by my title, say "Inu no Taishou".

Dear Otosan,
If you had the choice to become a part of the living world, and you got to bring someone back with you (to the living world I mean..) who would you bring, and why.

Dear InuYasha,
Hm... I'd bring Housenki back, because I don't trust him with my house while I'm gone.

Dear Inu-Papa-sama,
... I know this is reeeaaally strannge and random to say.. but.. I was thinking about this earlier today, and it's been bugging me ever since.. How does Inuyasha ..pee? Since he's a odg hanyou, does he lift his leg, or does the human side take over and.. well, you know..*bangs head on screen* Ehh.. have a milk bone.. *chucks box*
American Fan Girl #2

Dear Fan Girl #2,
Well, I only knew him up until he was a year old, and at that point, he just went whenever he felt the urge, regardless of whether he had any mind if anyone was holding him.

Dear Papa,
Oyaji, I already have vibrating action mode for Tessaiga. It was the very first mode. By the way, can you please stop scorching my hands!!!

your yongest son

Dear son #2,
Then stop modding my damn sword already! Jeez, you get what you pay for.

Dear Papa,

Ummm...what's wrong with Kouga? I mean, I know that everyone has their "DUH" moments, but in his case...

I mean, he couldn't have always been really dumb, since you need to have brains to be a leader...right? (*Looks over at clip of President Bush on tv.* On second thought, maybe I should scratch that last question -_-;;)

Seriously though, is it genetic or did Kouga just run headfirst into a boulder when he first got his jewel shards?
Confused and Curious

Dear Confused,
Because in every society, the leader more and more represents the collective thoughts of his people, and eventually, the leader is a total moron.

Dear Papa,how does your toilet flu

Dear thunder90,
I should hope that, if I had a toilet, it didn't have the flu. The dead can't produce, though, so I have no use for such a facility. ... Makes me wonder where everything I eat goes.

Dear Papa,
I have a question concerning Miroku. I am full aware that he proposed to Sango, saying that he would father her children after and ONLY after Naraku was defeated and the Kazaana was gone, and that she accepted. But, if Miroku becomes aware that Naraku can't be defeated and that he himself will die due to his hereditary curse, do you think he will ask Sango to bear his child anyway? Or do you think he'll father the child of some random village woman instead? Or MAYBE he won't have any child at all and give Naraku the satisfaction of knowing that he beat him for Sango's sake? I'm just asking your opinion, not what he really would do; after all, you're not Miroku... I hope... but I've spent so much time thinking about what's going to happen between Miroku and Sango and I'd appriciate it if you could shed some light on the possibilities of what could happen.

Thank you!

Dear Nymph,
If I were Miroku, I'd let the curse die with me rather than forcing a child of mine to carry it. He had reason enough before when he figured he was the only person after Naraku, and therefore only someone of his bloodline could kill him. But now he knows that even if he dies, there are a lot of other people he can rely on to finally give the rest of his family peace. But that's just me.

Dear Papa,

Do you like to drink out of the toilet like Inu and Sessy?(I have proof they do!!!)

Dear petitangel,
We didn't have toilets in my day. We had latrines. And, safe to say, I didn't consume anything out of those. *cough*

Dear Papa,

Do you sing in the shower when you think no one can hear you?

Dear Imthespiderinyourcorner,
Psh, I sing in the shower even when I KNOW people can hear me. I've serenaded Housenki to the entire score of West Side Story before.

Dear Papa,
If your dead, how can you answer our qwestions?
Lost and Cunfuzzled(but not dead like you)

Dear not dead like me,
Through the magic of fantasy. Sometimes, you just don't think about things like that. *pet pet*

Dear Papa,
If you were a girl, what would ur name be??

Dear Wonderin,

Dear Papa,
Can i have a Kiss? (or a hug)
The cat that lives under your computer desk

Dear computer cat,
Cat...? CAT?! *bristles and stands up on the desk* Get away from me! RRRRRRRRR! I'm not kissing rodent lips!

Dear Papa,
why cant sesshomaru just be a good older brother to inuyasha?
inu's girl yume

Dear yume,
Because Sesshoumaru is a jerk. I don't think someone can go up to him and tell him to be a good older brother, because he just doesn't want to be one. I don't like that they fight, but I can't force his feelings to change like that, and I really don't question him.

Dear Papa,
would u like Kagome as ur daughter-in-law?

Dear i,
Sure, I guess. I mean, wouldn't you? She's cute.

Dear Papa,
did u ever want to be a pirate?
Your Name

Dear Your Name,
No. I get seasick easily. Though I guess I may already be a "scurvy dog", considering I don't eat my vegetables.

Dear Papa,
How much wood could inu chuck if an inu could chuck wood?

Dear WoodChuckChuck,
I dunno, he'd probably just Kaze no Kizu it into toothpicks.

Dear Papa,
If you were a girl, what would your balogna's first name be?

Dear thepotato,
I'm more concerned what it's second name would be.

Dear Papa,
I am just wondering(4 fanfic purposes)...How would one get married to another?I am very interested in the ceremonies people of that era would have.Can u clue me in?
May I PLEASE have a hug?*Does pouty face*

Dear Mimi-chan,
I... don't know, I've never gotten married in human fashion. I just asked the woman, "Hey, wanna be my wife?", they were like "okay", and that was it.

Dear Papa,

Just wondering, how do make a screencap? I know it has something to do with the Print Screen botton, and then you have to paste it on a program like photoshop or paint, then you size it and edit it, but when ever I do that, if the episode/movie is still going on, the picture in the photoshop/paint is moving as well. And if I close my real player, then all I see in where the screen cap should be is black.

It's been driving me crazy! If you could help, then thank you very much!

Dear Minesweeper,
From my understanding, most computer video runs as a separate image stream that cannot be captured by the Print Screen function of a computer. Generally you need a separate program that is designed to take screenshots from video. I know a few computer DVD players have this functionality, and also have the ability to play media files as well.

Dear Papa,
I have 4 qustions for you.
1.When is the rest of the site going to be up?I was just wondering....
2.If you were a girl would you be oh so pretty?
3.Did you ever in your life told someone they were fat??Cause I did and got slaped really hard....
4.Did you ever have a pet dog or something?Or did you consider Sesshoumaru your puppy?XP
Thank you for your time Inu-Pa!
Yoko and Angel

Dear Yoko and Angel,
1. Rest of what site? What's left to put up? You mean the main index page? .... That's not really my call.
2. I do feel pretty, oh so pretty.
3. I did tell other youkai they were fat. They usually didn't live long enough to retaliate, though.
4. A "pet" dog? Wouldn't that be like keeping a slave or something? No, I only ever kept humans as pets.

Dear dad if you got message that kagome was pregnant well sorry that forgot to put my name I was in a rush and yes you and mom are going to become grandparents

Dear inuyasha,
Oh reeeally... So... What's with you two shacking up before you finished your business, huh? Just gonna let Naraku get away? Leave the Shikon no Tama smashed into a zillion pieces? Oh no, that's not important. Getting laid and dragging a BABY into this mess is much more practical! ...... You upset me.

Dear Papa,
I have a problem. I am a fan fic addict, and I love the Sesshomaru/Rin fics (when she is older of couurse). Is this wrong? I mean... He is older, or is it I just dont have a problem with age?

Dear -_-,
I wouldn't think there would be anything wrong with it, as long as it doesn't delve into pedophelia. My only problem with it is that a person's outlook on a parent figure usually doesn't change with age, so Rin will likely still view Sesshoumaru ate age 20 the same way she does at her current age.


How dare the Chinese make bootleg copies of me?!
I feel so hated!
Why don't I get a moko-moko?!
Daitemo ii?

Dear Inuyasha,
You feel hated that people liked you enough to smuggle you to other countries and distribute you to fans? And you don't get a moko-moko because you'd get it dirty. Suki ni shirou...

Dear dad, I wanted to tell that me and kagome did thing in bed about four months so kagomr is pregnant so that means in five more months you and mom aregoing to become grandparents
Your Name

Dear Your Name,
... I don't recall having any children called "Your Name".

Dear Papa,

Would you scold Sesshomaru IF you found doggie droppings or puddles on the living room carpet?

Dear Kitty-Lin,
No. Considering I'm an old dog, they were probably mine.

Dear Papa-sama,

Thank you for answering the question on your page concerning me. I was hoping that the note on Ear-Tweak would be enough... sorry that I caused people to seek news from the Nextworld to find out what happened to me. Ehehehe.

Anyhow, I really DO have a question. WILL PATCHES MARRY ME??! XD Just kidding. Yes, I do realize that I.. we.. uh.. yeah... are confusing, but perhaps if I just said "It`s an inside joke," people might read? *sweatdrop*

And now, about your son. Good heavens, Papa-sama, just when I thought Inuyasha had some sense in him, he decides to go kamikaze-Inu on us and do something totally boneheaded (for the sake of suspense, I imagine, but trust me, I think reactions leaned more towards "facepalm") Papa-sama, I adore your son dearly but for crying out loud, could you just, y`know... appear to him in a dream or something and whap some sense into him that will stay in his brain for more than two chapter installments??

PS - O-tegami wa nihongo no hou ga ii? ;)

Dear Kuro,
*points* Okay, see, everyone? She lives!

And I don't think Patches would marry you in a million years. And, no offense to you, neither would I. I'm already married. Twice. .... Though, I seem to recall that that's never stopped you, what with your whole harem and all.

I don't know about appearing to Inuyasha in a dream, but I did infuse Tessaiga with a bit of my will, which is why it's been burning the crap out of his hands lately, in a sort of "OMFG you MORON what are you DOING?!" sort of way. So Inuyasha has to surpass me to master the sword? Psh, that's just a nice way of saying he can get to the point of being able to ignore me.

Nihongo no hou ga yoi. Eigo no hou mo yoi. Supeingo no hou wa... DAME. *curses the Mexican Mouryoumaru*

Dear Papa, I'm doing a project on Japan in my class, unfortunately, I don't know of any good recipies to make. Are there any pointers you can give me? What's the Youkai diet? Any info on the religions? I'd really be thankful for the input Pap! *huggles*
Toon Mistress

Dear Toon Mistress,
Uh, rice is always a good choice to make. Or you could just make up some instant ramen. An easy snacky food to make is onigiri, which is just a ball of rice wrapped in nori (dried seaweed). Youkai eat pretty much whatever they can find, but the basic youkai diet is human flesh, which I DON'T think would go over too well for a school project. The main religions of Japan are Buddhism and Shinto, which in the series are represented by Miroku and Kikyou, respectively.

Dear Papa,
I've been watching fansubs of the Shinchintai episodes, and I've noticed a few things that intrigue me.
1) at the end of the "Grip!" opening sequence, during the little scene where Shippo and Kirara are playing with some of Shippo's toys, we hear Yamaguchi Kappei (I think that's him...) say something but the fansubbers leave it untranslated. What is he saying?
2) At the beginning of pretty much every single episode, there is a series of Japanese characters across the bottom of the screen. Again, these are untranslated by fansubbers. What is the purpose of them? (One fansubbed episode mentions Earthquake Reports, but the Earthquake Reports appear in the upper left-hand corner of the screen, not the lower.)
3) (I don't know if this is addressed in the manga or not, I'm just going from the episodes) when the Inu-tachi encounter the mountain's barrier, Inuyasha stops. Considering that it's a BARRIER, and Tessaiga has its barrier-breaking abilities, one would think Inuyasha would first try that technique out. Not that I think it would have worked on the mountain's purity barrier, but considering Inuyasha's bullish head-first battle-tactics, one would think he'd at least think of trying it, even if to dismiss it out of hand. But he never even thinks of it... is there something about the Red Tessaiga that's not been conveyed properly? Did Inuyasha already instinctively know that it wouldn't work?

Dear *headdesk*,
1) You mean "Inuyasha wa goran no suponsaa no teikyou de okurishimasu"? That's just "Inuyasha is brought to you by the following sponsors", and then it just shows the sponsors on the screen, which are usually P&G, Shogakukan, Playstation, and McDonald's.
2) The message at the bottom of the screen I'm assuming you're referring to reads: "A request from Inuyasha... When watching TV anime, please do so in a bright room and not too close to the screen." After an incident with Pokemon gave a few people seizures, this warning was put at the beginnings of just about every anime series thereafter.
3) You do realize that, while he is my son, Inuyasha is not exactly the brightest bulb of the bunch, and won't always consider all possible solutions.

Dear Papa,
Ok, People have been arguing about the whole mcdonalds issue and they say that its mcdonals (sp?) fault that people are getting fat. I dont find that true, I mean of course "Mc-d's" (shorter virson cant spell XD) Foods are like full of this disgusting yet tasty shit but its not like there pysicaly grabing people from the streets and throwing them in there store and holding a gun to there head saying "EAT THE MC BUGER! AND GET THE MC TUMMY ACHE! AND THE MC HEAD ACHE'S! EAT IT! OR DIE!" T hat be just crazy. :\
Also. People are stating that there might be some kind of eddiction drug in there food that makes people eddicted to there food. That might be true but I highly dout it. Yeah but I think its mostly the people's fault cause there the one's walking there fat asses into the damn mc-d's store getting like 3 super size hamburgers and shakes and ect.

So what im asking here is, What do you think?
Is it the people's fault?
Or mc-d's fault, That the united states of america is the fattest country in the world. :\

Then there are other fast food stores out there people are getting fat from.

But lets concintrate (sp? ><) on mc-d.
Super Size Me

Dear Super Size,
Uh... obviously it's the people's own responsibility with what they eat. If they don't want to get fat, then they should eat things that don't make them fat. If they eat unhealthy things and get sick because of it, it's their own fault. I've noticed that Americans have a habit of pointing their fingers at others for their problems rather than admitting that they have to change something about themselves.

Dear Papa,
Ok so since you ACTUALY said that you Wear eyeshadow above your eye in the reply you gave to J-puppy. I have a complex question about that....


Dear Dude.,
Because it accents your eyes. I mean, your eyes are the first aspect of your face that people take notice of, and you want to draw their attention to them right away, and hold their attention. Therefore, you accent them with whatever you've got.

Dear Inu-Papa-Sama,
What would happen if the boys of the cast were girls? and the male casts were females?
Confused and Angry

Dear Confused and Angry,
Then everyone would be a girl, I suppose.

Dear Papa,

I'm curious as to why there are no young men in any village the Inu-gumi stop at. Perhaps I missed them, or are they simply not there? Did they just vanish? It seems that there are plenty of young girls for Miroku, however... >_>

Dear Andi,
My guess is that they've all been recruited to go fight wars, leaving only the elderly, women, and children behind in the villages.

Dear Papa,

What's the difference between an Oekaki and a fanart?
Your Name

Dear My Name,
There is no difference. Oekaki is just a subcategory of fanart. It's just a difference in mediums used.

Dear Papa,

Do you drink soda or anything over there? Y'know, like.... Mountain Dew?

Dear Kori,
Well, we do have carbonated green tea... But other than that, the only things I personally drink are tea, water, and sake so I haven't personally gone searching for any other forms of beverages that we might have.

Dear Papa,
Does Tokijin work on Naraku? I mean, since it was made from one of his little offsprings? I mean, I'm not sure if he actually ever uses it in the series, or the canon, but he does in a bunch of fan-fics...

Dear Confused,
It seemed to work on him in episodes 80 and 81, which are canon, so I'd have to guess yes.

Dear Papa,
WHY WHY WHY DOESN'T RUMIKO TAKAHASHI JUST END THE DAMN SERIES!? 100 more chapters!?? Their never gonna beat Naraku... he's too damn powerful!!! Or just weird... WE JUST WANT TO SEE THE ENDING ALREADY MEOW!
Your uncle's dog's sister's nephew's cat

Dear absolutely nothing,
When you consider how long it takes for the manga to get through anything, anyway, 100 more chapters doesn't sound like too much of a stretch. There's still a lot of things concerning not only Naraku, but Kikyou, Kohaku, and Kouga that have yet to be resolved. Unless you just want the ending to be rushed.

Dear Papa,
Okay okay. I got a question!

When you're in the chat room and you're typing in English is Patches ALWAYS there to translate for you or somethin'? Cause you're there like, all the time and I'm sure Patches gets really tired from translating at a hundred words per minute for several hours a day (I guess she doesn't get weekends off when it comes to that).

So can she translate that fast or have you learned proper English?
A Really Hyper Keira

Dear Keira who needs less sugar,
Well, while I've managed to get a pretty good grip of the written English language by now, she still has to "channel" my thoughts through there, and thoughts have to be translated into words anyway, so it's not really much of an extra step. ... Or maybe I can blame my long idle times on her having to translate what I say, rather than getting distracted by video games all the time... Housenki says I'm hogging Bejeweled. He's obsessed with that game.

Dear Papa,
Were Sesshoumaru educated, as in did he go to school? Or did he just pick up the things that he knew?

Oh, and were YOU educated?

Dear Aliyah,
He never received a formal education, as schools didn't really exist in my era. He pretty much learned as he went along, and I taught him most of the basics of fighting and strategy, though he learned more when he was older and went off on his own to gain his own experience. Things like the poison claws, of course, he taught himself how to use, since I had no equivalent to show him. I was not educated, either, though I did have a variety of swordmasters and... uh... Toutousai... teach me along the way (seriously, that guy was old when
I met him. When 900 years old you reach, look as good you will not...?)

Dear Papa,

How old are you in human years? Just wondering. ^_^

Can I have a hug!

Dear doggiegal,
I never really kept track, but I believe I was somewhere around 800 years old when I died. In dog years, that would be, like, 5,600, but in youkai dog years, it was about 38.

P.S. Yes. *hug*

Dear Papa,

There's something about Naraku which I am curious about...if Naraku is really half-demon, then how is he able to have supposedly full-demon "children?" (Not that I consider that the ONLY strange thing about him)

Also, if he is half-demon, then how is he able to have those purple "markings" above his eyes, despite the fact that no other half-demons have markings? Or is it really just eyeshadow, like some people like to say? ("Maybe he's born with it...maybe it's Maybelline!" *snicker*)

Just Curious

Dear J-Puppy,
Naraku is a mish-mash of youkai bodies centered around a human heart, so his body isn't exactly an evenly-distributed mix of human and youkai. He's just one part human and many parts youkai, which I guess still constitutes "half" youkai, even though anything that breaks off him aside from his heart could be considered full youkai. The purple markings on his eyes are indeed eyeshadow, as are the red markings above my and Sesshoumaru's eyes. Only our face stripes are natural, which Naraku does not have. And the stripes themselves don't really signify anything since there is no real "mark" of a full youkai or a half-youkai. They come in all types.

Dear Papa,

You know, in the website Inu Goya, on the General Episode Information, the column that says "Inuyasha's Jar"? What does that mean?

Dear *_*,
"Inuyasha's Jar", or "Inuyasha no Tsubo", was a short segment at the end of every episode in the Japanese TV run where a certain character would get hilighted. For the first 95 episodes, it was just a screen with a character's picture, name, and a short description. At episode 96, it switched to the "puzzle" version where a distorted image of a character was shown and Shippou would ask "Ido no naka ni wa nan jarou na?" ("Who do you think is in the well?"), and then the answer was given after the final commercial break. It was akin to the "Next Conan's Hint!" thing, except dealt with the current episode instead of the next one.

Dear Papa,
If I sent you a letter would you answer it?

Dear unknown,
Well, naturally, it would depend on what it said. Obviously, I answered this one, so I guess the answer is "yes". But I can't say that for all letters. I get some pretty crazy stuff, plus a lot of repeat questions, so I don't answer everything I'm sent. But you can be sure that I read all of it.

Dear Papa

did inuyasha go through puberty. oh and heres a dog biscut for u
*troughs a big milkbone at inu-papa

P.S may i have a hug
puppy lover

Dear puppy lover,
"Did" he? As far as I'm concerned, he still hasn't hit it yet, what with his whole "Eeew, girl cooties" attitude.
Ooh, thanks for the treat! *hugs*

Dear Inu-sama,
I have a question that's been nagging at me for some time. When a character transforms (let's say here Inuyasha going full blood) the hair, teeth, claws and other features grow longer. What irks me is that when they come out of it, their nails retreat back into their fingers and the same goes for their hair into their scalp. I can understand the growth part, but wouldn't it be less troublesome to just cut their hair and trim their nails than the process they take. Which I would think would be very painful, especially the nails. I mean come on, the roots of your nails lay right across the bone of your finger, and if the nail retreats it'll come in conflict with the finger bones. I'm not bothered by the teeth because the skull could be adapted to take on retreating fangs, but the fingers. *shudders*
Confused Changeling

Dear Confused,
And when Inuyasha transforms into a human, his ears change shape and move halfway around his head. ... He's a magical being, we can all just smile and nod.

Dear Papa,

I've seen yor son Sesshomar in his true form, and he is huge, but how come he's smaller than you are in his true form? Is it because he's younger than you?

Dear doggiegal,
It's because our true forms' sizes are related to our overall power, and yes, our age. Sesshoumaru is much younger than I was when I died, and he has significantly less power as well. Once he grows up and learns to rely on himself better instead of weapons forged by others, I'd say he'll be in for some growing.

Dear Papa,
How heavy is the fluffy? Is it like an oversized pelt and hundreds of pounds, or is it a giant cotton ball, weighing next to nothing?


Dear MBW,
It's definitely got quite a bit of weight to it, but it's light enough to billow in a strong wind. Because it's so spread out, it's hard to figure exactly how much it weighs just by lifting it, but I'd guess somewhere in the 35-40 kilogram range.

Dear Papa,

Okay, here's the thing I don't get. Why, with the exception of a few people (Such as Patches) are all Americans who can speak Japanese such snobs? They go "Oh, thank God I can speak Japanese, because the dubs all SUCK!"

Frankly, I *like* the dubs. With the exception of Kagome's voice, I love Inuyasha, Sango, Miroku, Naraku, Kouga, Sesshoumaru, Rin, Jaken, and even Shippou's voice.

So could you please tell me what is so wrong with the dubs and these people?
Angry Elf

Dear Angry Elf,
This is one of those "purist" debates, really. A lot of fans tend to consider the original Japanese version the "original" and therefore only "true" version of the series. And then there's the manga purists, who accept only the manga as the "true" version of the series (I admit, I'm one of those). There's nothing wrong with dubbing the series into another language, since it makes it more accessible to a wider variety of people, but there's also the chance of things getting lost in translation. It's the same with adapting a book to film; it makes it more accessible, but things are bound to get cut or changed. But when it comes right down to it, people tend to like whatever version they saw first the best.

Dear Papa,
How did you pass time while you were awaiting the birth of your first son? Did you pace back and forth? Did you drink?

Dear Blackrose,
Actually, he was born premature, so I didn't really have time to fret about it. All the fretting came afterwards.

Dear Papa,
I'm kind of confuséd, in my first movie DVD, the bit where Myouga is talking about you and Inuyahsa doing such dangerous things. It subtitles as `Ah, Inuyasha-sama, its just you and Sugimi-sama just do such dangerous things`...
I don't understand...
Could you please shed a little light on that?
The tree-bourne pig-tailed kettle girl

Dear Ranma-chan,
Once again, I'll have to say "don't always believe the subtitles". As far as I can tell, "Sugimi" is a misrepresentation of "Chichi-gimi", a way to speak of someone else's father.

Dear Papa,

In the third movie, i watched it in japense, how come they kept calling Izayoi princess Jakyrn (its much longer than that but i cant remember how to spell it)

Dear Flan,
Prooooooobably because you're watching a Chinese bootleg, which are notorious for totally inaccurate subtitling. According to them, Miroku is Jewish, Bankotsu is a fruit, and my oldest son is some sort of illicit drug.

Dear Papa,
What if your sons were daughters? Would you be way over protective of them if any of their male friends came around?

Dear Bunny,
If they'd been daughters, they would have both been married off years ago and I'd be swimming in grandkids.

Dear Papa,
When Kagome talks to Inuyasha [in the Japanese version], why doesn't she add the -chan,-kun, etc... to his name? Same goes for Inuyasha, why does he call her Kagome instead of Kagome-chan?

**Hope this question isn't too hard to answer...unlike that question about the well I asked a few weeks ago. That answer left me unsatisfied.**

Dear fehBEH,
... Because it would be a little presumptuous, and there really is no reason to. "Inuyasha-sama" would make it sound like she's crawling in the dirt at his feet, and "Inuyasha-kun" is just... it doesn't SOUND right. And Inuyasha calling Kagome "Kagome-chan" would make it sound like he'd be up for a spontaneous cuddle. There really is no set-in-stone "rule" about this sort of thing, it's just based on whatever you're used to calling a person.

Dear Papa,
If we look at other Buddhist monks in the series, most of them are bald. In saying that, why is Miroku the only one with hair? Does it mean something?

Dear Nymph,
Well, because he is described as the "delinquent" monk, obviously such ruled don't apply to him.

Dear Papa,
people say you suck bye

Dear me,
Obviously they were actually talking about Miroku.

Dear Papa,
A few questions here.
1) Which side of the family does Sesshoumaru's crescent mark come from--yours or his mothers?
2) According to *CANON* (not the movies or accepted fan speculations) what is your official cause of death? What I mean is, did Ryuukossei himself deliver the fatal injury, or did the wound inflicted by Ryuukossei leave a debilitating weakness that another enemy took advantage of (rather like possessed Rouyakan trying to take advantage of Inuyasha when he was weakened by Sesshoumaru's attack)?
3) if youkai can't touch Tessaiga, then why could YOU wield it in the third movie? (I know, I know, continuity error, but I'd love to see some speculation too!) Was it because it was YOUR fang that was used?
4) According to canon, exactly what IS Toutousai--human or youkai? (if we take the movies into account, he'd have to be a demon because humans don't live that long!)
5) Why did you choose PATCHES as your medium? Did she tempt you with lots of ramen? ^_~
vermeil butterfly

Dear vermeil butterfly,
1) His mother's, since neither I nor my parents had one.
2) According to the manga, "Ryuukossei ni uketa kizu ga moto de nakunarareta", or "the wounds received from Ryuukossei were the cause of death".
3) Toutousai can use it, too, and he's a youkai, so it likely has to do with benevolent youkai powers. Malicious youkai powers are warded off.
4) Er, Toutousai is definitely a youkai.
5) ... Eh, because she was there.

Dear Papa,
So, why DID you fight with Ryuukossei? What did he do, insult your mother? Or was he trying to claim your domain?
Just curious...
Cobwebs and Strange

Dear Cobwebs and Strange,
... Both, actually. It was just a vicious cycle of revenge, since his father killed my parents, so naturally I sought revenge and killed him, thus inadvertantly taking over the domain in the process. Then, of course, Ryuukossei came after me... not really to avenge his father, but he was certainly interested in the real estate.

Dear Papa, sesshomaru's fluffy is called mokomoko-sama right? cause' rumiko takahashi said it and stuff. because one person has a translater on her computer and she translated the site where she answers questions and it said momoko instead of mokomoko, so i wasn't really sure, and then she also said that sesshomaru's fluffy thing was a tail. and then her translater translated it as that, so i have no clue because i don't have a translater. sorry if i'm bugging you or anything like that. but it would really helpful. *hugs* bye
anonymous...or am i?

Dear anonymous,
"Moko-moko" is merely a sound-effect word for something soft and fluffy. It's never been given an official name, but yes, it was referred to as "moko-moko" in an interview with Takahashi (though the term actually originated in the question she was given, and she merely used the word again in her response). Jaken also refers to Sesshoumaru's fluff as "moko-moko" in an episode in the Shichinintai arc.

Dear Papa,
how come whenever your in a fanfiction about sesshmarus past your either abousive of u rapped him
it makes me sick.

and all of my friens love the idea of u rapping him
i dont get it

why do fangirsl love th idea of u abusing or rapping your son
and its always sesshoumaru
plz answer me

about ot be sick

Dear sick,
*sigh* Look, just because I wear sunglasses and poofy pants and am vaguely on the dark-skinned side, don't automatically assume I'm a rapper.

Dear Inu-no-taisho-sama,

This has been nagging at me for a while. . .so I might as well ask. . .In the anime, the drawings of the characters seem to change with each episode. I've seen four different styles of drawing the characters: Chubby, as in the Inu-tachi drawn a bit on the wide side; Perfect ( I can't really say it any other way.); Realistic and, hat hair style. . .
I don't really think that made sense. But, what I want to know is, do the people who draw the characters and stuff rotate with each eppy?

Oh, and another thing. Why would you have to kill Izayoi if you told her your real name?

Mad Madyson

Dear Mad Madyson,
Oh man, if only this were "Dear Patches". She'd ramble to you for days about the differences between the episode staff. In short, yes, there are different directors for each episode who rotate every five episodes or so. The webmaster's next order of business is making a subsection dedicated to pointing out the differences between the staff and how to recognize who did what. Look for more on-site information on this topic in the future.

Dear oyaji,
Can you please upgrade my sword, it's starting to get dull and boring. Can I have Souunga instead...please?

Dear Inu-kun,
Jeez, how many more mods do you need for that thing? You've already added the accessories for suck, blow, texturization, color, and temperature. What more do you need? Vibrating action?

Dear Papa,
When some demons are killed they end up as a bloody heap of flesh and bones. Other demons just disintegrate. Why is that?

Dear Blackrose,
Because lesser youkai carry plot devices. If the plot device is shattered in the attack, then the youkai vaporizes for easy clean-up. But if the plot device remains, then the youkai's corpse remains so that someone can loot it or absorb it or lay around to signify that Something Messy(tm) happened here.

Dear Papa,
This is a very strange question, but I'm writing a fanfic and need some help.
Say Naraku's grandfather happens to be this organism called an amoeba. And say that the "amoeba" gives him a present. Do you have any idea what the gift would be?
Lady Gata

Dear Lady Gata,
..... Legs?

Dear Papa,

Why are both your kids so hopelessly befuddled and stunted in the romantic development department? One wouldn't think that they had inherited that from you...

Dr. Ruth's Assistant

Dear Assistant,
*cough* Um, yes, well... It DID take me 600 years to find my first wife...

Dear Papa, Today I wanted to search for something I had Previosly searched for, so I pull down the list and discover something very shocking...One of my friends has been looking at Porn websites, and we are only 13! I'm worried about what might happen if I confront him directly, but I can't tell my parents because he'll probebly get realy mad at me if I do. What do you think is the right thing to do?
Concerned friend

Dear Concerned,
Um... Just ignore it? I'd be more concerned if he was looking up how to make bombs or something.

Dear Papa,

Do you know what happened to Sato? It seems like she's disappeared for the past two weeks. Any news on the subject would be helpful, and i'm sure other ear-tweak fans would be curious as well.

Dear Concerned,
Well, she did say she was moving and would be gone for a couple of weeks. And the news section of her site states that her visa got held up, so her departure has been delayed and her computer is still packed. She's been doing text-only translations of the latest chapters for the past couple of weeks.

Dear Papa,
What's a Gendai filler? What does Gendai mean?

Dear Uwaaaaiiii~n,
"Gendai" means "modern era", so is simply a term to refer to a chapter that takes place in Kagome's time.

Dear Inu-papa,
Since Sesshoumaru was born a puppy did you haffta drag him into a lake and give him a bath or did he lick himself or somethin'?

Dear Eira-kay,
I did have to bathe him myself for his first few years, since he was more or less helpless to do anything on his own. Thankfully, I taught him good hygeine early on, so even to today, he's still as immaculate as ever.

Dear Papa,
I've heard from many sources that Miroku proposed to Sango in the manga(and series?) And I just want to know if that's part of the culture in fuedal Japan. Getting married at an age like that, I mean. Because Sango's, what, 16 or something? And another girl (in the series only I think) had also promised Miroku to bear his child after he rescued her, and she was thirteen! So, did Rumiko Takahashi forget to do her research or was it just a normal practice back then and teen pregnancies were all the rage? I'm aiming for the second one.
Pudding Street

Dear Pudding Street,
Er, yes, actually, in my era you were considered an adult at the age of 13. Basically, as soon as you were capable of having children, you were expected to start bearing them. Life expectancies were also considerably shorter, and there was a high infant mortality rate, so you made good use of the time you had.

Dear Papa,
have u ever tried to paint an oekaki its pretty fun ^_^
oekaki artist

Dear artist,
I tried once. It didn't save. .... Ah well, I'm not much of an artist, anyway. It was just a formless blob of gray that was supposed to be my fluff.

Dear Papa,
if sesshomaru was born in dog form, were you too? probably. but does that mean shippo was born in fox form? or does it vary from "species to species".
me and i

Dear you and you,
Yes, I was born as a dog, and, in fact, didn't learn to take a human form until I was about seven or eight years old. It does vary from species to species, and depends on what form the mother was in when she gave birth.

Dear Papa,
Can you tell me how to say "I love you" in Japanese please? It's for a friend! Also, can I have a hug? ^___^

Dear Andrea,
That depends on what sort of feeling you're going for. You could say "suki desu" for a general statement of affection, or "daisuku desu" if you really mean it. But if you're seriously madly in love with this person and want to get serious about it, then it would be "aishiteru". And "daitemo ii?" would be "may I hug you?" *hugs*

Dear Papa,
My friends and I were wondering:
What is that string on Inu's outfit used for?? You know, that brown one? It does not hold the Tetsaiga (I dont think I spelled it right), or a quiver of arrows or anything. Is it a just-in-case-I-need-it thing? Oh! Before I go, May I have a hug? ^-^
Vampire Hunter Kat

Dear Kat,
The string across his chest is a drawstring to hold his clothing shut. As far as I can tell, the upper half of his clothing isn't anything particularly traditional, but looks kind of like a suikan (the type of outfit Hakudoushi wears) with a turned-down wide collar. Although, if the string is to secure the clothing, it sure is tied loosely. So, perhaps it's merely tied across his chest to keep it out of the way, since normally it would be tied in a wide loop at the ends of the collar under his neck. *hugs*

Dear Papa,

Why, oh, WHY does Izayoi look so much like Sango?

Dear Nymph,
Probably the same reason all you Westerners look alike, with your fair hair and wide eyes. There's only so many ways to vary the same formula for a character design until some aspects start repeating.

Dear Papa,
You seem to like musicals, considering that a lot of Patches' oekaki drawings of you feature you acting out the part of one of the main characters in them. (For example: "Oliver Twist", "The King and I", etc.) So, do you have a favorite? Or are you just at the mercy of Patches' creative mind?

Dear Wheeness,
Unfortunately, she has a rather solid grip over my mind and soul, so I am at her utter mercy when it comes to such things. Just don't give her any ideas. Please. I've had my integrity trampled upon by her enough as it is.

Dear Papa,
I have a question. Do yuo think Sesshomaru and Kagura will ever some how become mates or friends?
Your Name

Dear My Name,
Unless they meet up again in the afterlife and hit it off, my guess would be "no".

Dear Papa,
You've been out with two girls, so I figured you could help me about two boys! I like one boy who happens to be my best (male) friend! And yet, I am going out with my current boyfriend. If I dumped my bf to go out with my would break his heart. This almost reminds me of InuYasha with Kikyou and Kagome (<-- IT SHOULD BE KAGOME SHIMATTA!) SO... should I be honest with my bf, and break up with him? Or, save him from the breaking of his heart *tear*...May I have a hug? I might be having an emotional breakdown.
Lady Assassin

Dear Lady Assassin,
Yes, I have been married to two women. There was also 200 years separating them, so it was never really an issue of dumping one for the other. However, I have to warn you that a relationship out of sympathy is generally a bad idea. If you're just with the guy because you're afraid he'll feel bad if you weren't, tell him the truth and be done with it. Better than just stringing him along into thinking you're interested in him. *hugs her*

Dear Papa,

Did Sesshoumaru-sama get any presents or gifts bestowed onto him when he was born from other youkai nobility?


Dear Sita,
No, he did not. In fact, the majority of the youkai populace didn't even know he even existed until he was a few years old. Because, let's face it, when you're the most powerful youkai around, and thereby the most saught-after youkai around, having a defenseless child in your care tends to become a liability, so you don't want many people knowing about it. Declaring to the world that I have a son is just an invitation for kidnapping. ... Not that I wouldn't be able to protect him from that, but might as well avoid the hassle completely.

Dear Papa,
Did you ever have to change a diaper or feed baby Inuyasha a bottle when he was first born. Or did you feel that sort of thing was unmanly and left that sort of thing to Izayoi to do.
Your Name Keh

Dear Keh,
What's a "bottle"? Of course I left the feeding of Inuyasha to Izayoi, since I'm not exactly physically capable of performing that task...

Dear suave Papa ^-^,

I was wondering if you could clear something up for me. In my Inuyasha manga it states that Kagome is a NINTH grader and in HIGH SCHOOL. But in the anime it is stated that she is still in junior high...but she is also a ninth grader.

So which one is it, is Kagome in High School or in Junior High. I assumed that she is in High School because she is in ninth grade not eighth grade, so I'm a little confused on why the manga says she is in High School, yet in the anime she is not. Did the anime screw up in this? I mean in both manga and anime she is constantly worried about tests and getting into High school.

Another thing, when exactly does the japanese school year start? I heard that japanses schools start later than western schools. Or do schools in Japan go year round even during the summer?
Your Name Mysterious Miko

Dear Mysterious Miko,
I believe Kagome calls herself a third-year middle-schooler, which is indeed the ninth year of school in Japan, given that elementary school goes to sixth grade. Since Kagome is always worried about her exams, she's certainly not in high school yet, since one of the big things about the Japanese school system is the high school entrance exam. Unlike American schools, you're allowed to choose which high school you want to go to, as long as it's in your area, and then you take that high school's exam to try to test in. There's a LOT of pressure to pass these exams, which is why it's almost always a topic in anime with characters who are in junior high. The reason the manga says she's in high school is simple: it's a mistranslation. I mean, they couldn't even get the year right on the first page (the Japanese states the modern year as being 1996, while the English translation gives it as 1997).
The Japanese school year starts in April and more or less runs year-round, aside from summer, winter, and spring breaks, each of which are only a few weeks long.

Dear Papa,
Im gonna ask you a qustion that no one has never asked you before! Ok here it goes!

What size is your underwear?

Dear Buddha,
A fundoshi is one-size-fits-all.

Dear Papa,
I'm trying to learn japanese, but no where i look explains to me all the different ways to say I (i know watashi and ore but not sure when to use them!) Please please help me!

~Thanks a bunch

P.S. Can i please have a hug

*huggles* ^-^

Dear EagerToKnow,
There are a lot of ways to refer to yourself in Japanese, but the most common ones you'll hear are "watashi", "boku", and "ore". Generally, "boku" and "ore" are reserved for men, while "watashi" is sort of gender-neutral. "Ore" is a more rough, stuck-up way to refer to yourself, and is the term Inuyasha uses. "Boku" is sort of "city-man" speak and is much more mellow. I don't think anyone in Inuyasha uses "boku", except for maybe Houjou-kun. In real life, however, you'd hear that pronoun used much more than "ore". "Watashi" is just the general way to say "I", and is used by characters like Miroku and Sesshoumaru. A more feminine form of the word, "Atashi", is used by Kagura and Kagome.
And the sound-effect for "hug" is "gyuu". *gyuu*

Dear Papa,
What are the characters used to spell Kagura?
Your Name

Dear My Name,
"Kagura" is spelled using the kanji for "god" and "pleasure", and the word itself is a type of ritual dance.

Dear Papa,

In one epsidoes, the Toad Who Would be Prince, kagome thinks someone is Nobunga? What role did he or she play in japanese history? Please help me..haha im kinda a history freak and its going to just bug me forever! Thanks!!!


Dear Interested,
Well, the guy was a little after my time, but he was definitely one of the more influential figures in Japanese history, as he was a key player in bringing about the end of the feudal era. He began making the path to unifying the country under a single government instead of the various feudal lords that had control at the time... and his methodology was usually to kill anyone who thought otherwise. There's a lot more to say about him than that, but suffice to say he was one of those "famous generals" that every schoolkid knows about.

Dear Papa,
whose mouryomaru? i know what he looks like but not who he is
Your Name

Dear My Name,
Mouryoumaru is a youkai that Hakudoushi created by piecing together a bunch of other youkai. The baby then used Mouryoumaru as his own body and is currently trying to make himself stronger by absorbing the powers of other youkai.

Dear Papa,
Why does your mouse like, NEVER move? Seriously, is it glued to the mouse pad?

Ps- Can I have a huggie? *does pouty face*
Ruler Ah

Dear Ruler Ah,
... Because I guess I'm obsessive-compulsive and put the mouse back exactly where I found it. Sort of like how I always give out hugs. *huggles*

Dear Papa,
Your fired.

Dear Takahashi-sensei,
... It's not like I ever did much work for you anyway...